By Lauren Rojas

The office of Hospitality and Event Services and the Controller’s Office are pleased to make an announcement of the Minors on Campus Guidelines. These campus-wide guidelines are a centralized initiative focused on protection, supervision and documenting events with minors on campus (individuals under the age of 18). These guidelines apply to ANY occurrence of minors on campus -- including but not limited to events, meetings, camps, conferences, tours, campus visits, workshops, recreational and athletic activities, and overnight visits.

All events with minors on campus must be registered in 25Live. Each event with minors on campus at UMass Lowell must be approved through the sponsoring department head, designated approvers (or designee) in the respective areas, and Hospitality and Event Services. All documents required for events with minors on campus must be submitted to Hospitality and Event Services for review. These guidelines are not applicable to committed UMass Lowell students. Hospitality & Event Services will update guidelines with any new State requirements.

To review the Minors on Campus Guidelines, please visit the Hospitality and Event Services website specific to Minors on Campus. On this website you will see a full event checklist page to check compliance, next steps, definitions as well as a link to state regulations for minors.

To ensure campus-wide compliance with the Minors on Campus Guidelines, designated approvers have been established. The designated approvers will be responsible for compliance with these guidelines. Designated approvers will also ensure that the source documents that are listed on the Minors on Campus Guidelines website are current.

Designated Approvers
• Academic Affairs / Vice Provost of Academic Affairs
• Recreation / Director of Campus Recreation
• Athletics / Associate Athletics Director
• Admissions / Senior Director, Orientation and Enrollment Events
• Hospitality and Event Services
• Controller’s Office

The office of Hospitality and Event Services and the Controller’s Office will be hosting department trainings. Please reach out to Sharon-Anne Mapes, controller (controller@uml.edu),  or Lauren Rojas, executive director of Hospitality and Event Services (lauren_rojas@uml.edu), to set up the department training.