By Monica Melo
The Department of World Languages and Cultures and Pathway to a Better Health present a Chroma Wellness Session: "A Legacy of Queer Medical Injustice: How the Past informs the Present."
This talk examines key instances of medical injustice against LGBTQ people in the U.S., ranging from the criminalization and pathologization of homosexuality in the late 19th century to the role of psychiatry in state-sanctioned punishment in the mid-20th century. From conversion therapy to transgender medicine to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, medicine has long been cruel toward its LGBTQ patients. We will lay out why a reckoning with this legacy is so vital for those seeking to create a positive and affirming approach to the health needs of LGBTQ people going forward.
When: March 27
Time: 6 to 9 p.m.
Where: The Old Court Pub, 29-31 Central St. (2nd floor), Lowell
Admission and food are free.
Please register in advance.
This event is made possible through the generous sponsorship of the College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Honors College, with additional support from the Solomont School of Nursing, the Department of History, as well as the Gender Studies Program at UMass Lowell.
For more information contact: Jess Wisocky at Jessica@PTBHealth.com or Department_WorldLanguages@uml.edu