By Kristin Bourgault

In an effort to support the university’s increasing research needs, the Nanofabrication Lab is pleased to announce that open hours have been extended for users who complete extended hours training. Due to the potential hazard and limited staff support after 7 p.m., certain activities will be restricted. Please reach out to Justin Moreau (justin_moreau@uml.edu) or Dilip Venugopal (dilip_venugopal@uml.edu) for more information.

1. CRF NFL Extended hours

  • The NFL extended hours access is only available to users who have completed extended hours training.
    • Extended hours are M-F 7-10 p.m.
  • Users who have not completed extended hours training are restricted to 7 a.m.- 7 p.m.

2. Prerequisite

  • Valid Lv1 training. Refresher must be completed every 12months
  • You have completed Lv2 training
  • You have completed Extended hours access training
  • You have a CRF account

3. Project Plan

  • A detailed after-hours plan must be submitted and accepted by staff prior to any after-hour work.
    • This includes expected tool usage/bookings
    • Working alone between the hours of 7-10 p.m. is prohibited. See staff for extended hours visitor list.

4. Access

  • UMass Lowell utilizes card access security system. Your UCard must be activated for extended hours.
    • Propping open any NFL entrance door open is strictly prohibited.
    • Using someone else badge to enter the NFL at anytime is strictly prohibited. 
  • No wet work is allowed after 7 p.m., therefore access to HPM room after 7 p.m. is restricted, Badge is required to access HPM room between 5-7 p.m.