By Stephanie Madden

The Health Advancement and Resilience in Pediatrics (HARP) Lab at the University of Massachusetts Lowell is recruiting families for the Health Advancement and Wellbeing in Kids (HAWK) Study.

The purpose of the research study is to examine the health of children in middle childhood and factors that may influence children’s health outcomes. We are interested in how sleep, lung function and weight-related health are associated with one another. We are recruiting children ages 8 to 11 years, both with and without asthma, and their parent or caregiver.

This study involves a couple parts. You and your child will participate in a two-hour research session where you will both will complete questionnaires and we'll assess your child's height and weight. Then we will ask your child to wear an actigraph watch, similar to a Fitbit watch, to assess their sleep for 14 days and to use a spirometer twice daily to assess their lung functioning, or how much air they can move out of their lungs.

The baseline research session can take place either at our research offices at UMass Lowell or in your home. You and your child can receive up to $100 in gift cards for participating in our study.

If interested in learning more about the study, please contact the HARP Lab led by Samantha Miadich, Ph.D., in the Department of Psychology at UMass Lowell: