By Elizabeth Pellerito

Join the UMass Lowell Labor Education Program, the Merrimack Valley Central Labor Council and the Merrimack Valley Project for an event exploring how a new administration may reshape labor and unions in the region and across the U.S. Together we will examine potential impacts and strategize ways to build power for workers and communities.

The day will begin with an analysis from Lindsay Kenney, legislative director for the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, on what changes at the federal level impact Massachusetts workers. Following these remarks, a panel of local representatives from healthcare, trades and education unions will discuss how their unions are preparing for these changes.

We will conclude with breakouts exploring workers' right to organize and immigrant rights at work.

Time: 9 a.m. -1 p.m.
Date: Jan. 25
Location: Moloney Hall, University Crossing
RSVP online
Interpretation (Spanish) and childcare are available upon request.

For questions, please contact Elizabeth Pellerito.