By Stephanie Garcia

The Office of Multicultural Affairs will host and invites you to the 14th Annual MLK Jr. Celebration Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2024. Open to students, faculty and staff.

Each year we honor our amazing students with the “Unsung Hero” awards, recognizing the incredible work that our students do each and every day - humbly, thoughtfully and intentionally. Up to two awards each for undergraduates, master's and Ph.D. candidates will be awarded as well. Self-nomination and nomination by others are encouraged up until Jan. 23, 2025.

We have curated a wide array of offerings that encapsulate the different facets of MLK Jr.’s life and legacy through action themes.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy


  • Jan 29th 4-6pm in the University Crossing Atrium
    • Join us as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy through community service and engagement. Participate in activities like blanket and card making, explore a service fair with local Lowell nonprofits, engage in thoughtful discussions, and indulge in soul food and refreshments.
  • Engage in thoughtful dialogue and discussions at our event
  • Follow @UML_OMA for our video campaign tiny mics around campus
  • Explore the legacy of Dr. MLK Jr. and learn about local Lowell nonprofits who will be hosting tables at our MLK Jr. Legacy event.
  • Our website with have resources for classes and how to get involved in the community
  • Library Lib Guide to learn more about MLK Jr.
  • For UMass Lowell students - Saturday, February 1 - Trip to Boston see MLK Embrace Statue then other local area stops relating to MLK Jr.’s Legacy
Please refer any questions to Multicultural_Affairs@uml.edu