By Shanna Thompson

Consider joining the Center for Program Evaluation's (CPE) February Brown Bag presentation: "Telling the Story of City Connects Implementation: 10 Years of Collecting and Using Fidelity Data."

Presented by:
Jessica Petrie, Senior Manager of Continuous Improvement
Katie Drucker, Senior Evaluation Researcher
Claire Foley, Associate Director of City Connects
Mary E. Walsh Center for Thriving Children, Boston College

If you would like to join, please email cpe@uml.edu for the Zoom link.

If we want to study an intervention's outcomes, we should understand the degree to which it is being implemented. In this virtual brown bag, research and practice staff from the Center for Thriving Children at Boston College will introduce City Connects, an integrated student support intervention, and share the journey of how the program has measured and used fidelity of implementation data for more than 10 years. The presentation will describe the process of constructing a fidelity monitoring system, studying the system’s reliability and validity, and using fidelity results to inform coaching and strategic planning. This session will be based on work recently shared at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference and will provide opportunities for discussion and interaction.

The mission of the Center for Program Evaluation is to conduct research on program evaluation methods as well as to offer evaluation planning, consulting, training and services for the university, regional and global communities. CPE offers program evaluation services that support the university’s missions of research, teaching and service to the community and industry for both faculty and students.