By Melissa Wall

UMass Lowell is participating in the national Healthy Minds Study for Faculty/Staff. (Students will be surveyed as well).

On Jan. 27, you will receive an email from James Kohl, dean of Student Affairs and Experiential Learning, from the email address healthyminds-UMassLowell@umich.edu. The email will have the subject line: “Announcing the Healthy Minds Study for the Faculty/Staff at UMass Lowell.” The survey is administered through the Healthy Minds Network at the University of Michigan and no one at UMass Lowell will receive your individual responses. We will receive a report in aggregate that contains no identifying information.

Since it piloted in winter 2021, the HMS Faculty/Staff survey has helped institutions understand their faculty and staff’s mental health and perceived ability to help students with mental health concerns. Faculty and staff can play an important role in creating learning environments that support health and well-being, decrease anxiety, increase learning and encourage seeking help when needed.

These activities compound with job responsibilities, though, to also impact the mental health of employees. The survey provides UMass Lowell with valuable information that can be used in improving campus life and promoting well-being within higher education.

Students will receive a separate version of the Healthy Minds Study, as well.

Your participation in the survey is much appreciated! Please contact Melissa Wall, director of Prevention & Education, if you have any questions about the survey. Thank you!