By Annie Conway

On 10/29, South and Fox Dining Hall created 53 and 38 pounds of waste, respectively. This equates to about 2 ounces per person, which is about the size of a tennis ball!

Join University Dining and the Office of Sustainability for our second "Weigh the Waste" from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21. Weigh the Waste tracks the amount of plate waste created by faculty, staff and students from both of our residential dining halls, Fox and South Dining Commons. Weigh the Waste events help students, and the university dining team, learn more about how we can limit post-consumer waste. Lets see if we can decrease our waste from the last time!

If you are interested in volunteering for this event, or opportunities to get involved with food waste reduction on campus, please reach out to: annie_conway@uml.edu.