By Lynne Schaufenbil

Please join the Lowell Center for Space Science and Technology for the virtual seminar, Space Weather at NOAA, at 11 a.m. on Thursday, 10/31 by Dr. James Spann.

Abstract: The U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a significant role in the U.S. space weather enterprise. Included is the mandate to (1) provide operational space weather monitoring, forecasting, and long-term data archiving and access for civil applications, (2) maintain ground-based and space-based assets to provide observations needed for space weather forecasting, prediction, and warnings, (3) provide research to support operational responsibilities, and (4) develop requirements for space weather forecasting technologies and science. NOAA recently established an Office of Space Weather Observations (SWO) to address several of these responsibilities. This talk will describe the overall NOAA space weather activities, the NOAA SWO programs and plans, and international coordination for space weather operations and research.

Bio: James F. (Jim) Spann, Jr., Ph.D., is the Senior Scientist for Space Weather for NOAA’s NESDIS Office of Space Weather Observations (SWO). Prior to joining NOAA in 2023, he worked at NASA for 37 years during which he served as the Space Weather Lead for the Heliophysics Division at NASA HQ, developed and launched several auroral UV remote sensing instruments, managed the Marshall Space Flight Center’s (MSFC) science research organization, which includes the disciplines of Astrophysics, Planetary Science, Heliophysics and Earth Science, and served as the MSFC Chief Scientist. A laboratory physicist by training, he earned his BS in mathematics and physics from Ouachita Baptist University (cum laude 1979) and his PhD in physics from the University of Arkansas (1985). He is the author or co-author of more than 70 peer reviewed journal articles primarily in space physics. He was the Principal Investigator of an international 6U CubeSat mission with the Brazilian space agency called SPORT that investigates the space weather conditions in Earth’s ionosphere, just above its upper atmosphere, that lead to disruptions in communication and GPS signals. He has been actively engaged in defining science that exploration enables and led the establishment of NASA’s Space Weather Program. He coordinated the first NASA Lunar Gateway science payload called HERMES that will study the solar wind and enable better space weather forecasting that enhances astronaut radiation protection for deep space human exploration. In his new role at NOAA, he leads the efforts to ensure that the NOAA space weather observations meet the science and operations goals and continues his active engagement across agencies and internationally to coordinate space weather observations at Earth and beyond. He is the recipient of the NASA Distinguished Service Medal (2013), the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal (2010, 2023).

Spann grew up in Recife, Brazil from age 5, where his parents served as missionaries for over 33 years. He attended a Brazilian school (Colégio Americano Batista) though elementary, then a small international school (American School of Recife) before returning to the United States for college (Ouachita Baptist University and the University of Arkansas). He has two grown children (Hannah and Ben) and three grandchildren (Lyla, Lincoln, and William). He is an avid soccer fan, enjoys photography, on occasion relaxes with his guitar, and has a strong interest in the overlap of science and faith.

If you are interested in attending, please email Lynne_Schaufenbil@uml.edu for the Zoom link.