By David Muse Jr

The UMass Lowell Office of Life Safety & Emergency Management is excited to join the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and thousands of other emergency management partners in celebrating National Preparedness Month this September! This annual campaign promotes disaster and emergency preparedness for individuals, families, and communities.

This year, our efforts will focus on four weekly themes:

  1. Campus Preparedness: Learn how to stay safe and prepared for emergencies right here on campus. From building an emergency kit to learning what to do in an emergency and how to act in the face of disasters, we will be providing tips on what you can do to prepare.
  2. Stop the Bleed: In partnership with UMass Lowell EMS, we'll highlight important tips on stopping life-threatening bleeding in an emergency. This essential skill could save a life—yours or someone else’s.
  3. Emergency Alerts: Ensure you’re signed up for the university's emergency alert system (UML Alerts)! We'll share information on receiving timely notifications and what to do when you get them.
  4. Emergency Exits & Evacuation: Knowing where to go in an emergency can make all the difference. This week will focus on evacuation routes, safe meeting places, and the importance of practicing your exit strategy.

Stay tuned for weekly updates and important information on these topics throughout September.

Did you know? UMass Lowell EMS offers on-campus First Aid, CPR and AED training. Whether you want to learn the basics, get certified, or re-certified, we have courses to fit your needs. Register for a course and be prepared to help in an emergency.

For more information on preparing yourself and your family for disasters and emergencies, visit the U.S. government's "ready" site.