By Irma Silva

The Kennedy College of Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, invites to you attend a Ph.D. Proposal Defense in Applied Biology by Sean Driscoll entitled "Alternative splicing as a mechanism of gene dosage mediation in limb development and disease."

Candidate: Sean Driscoll
Degree: Doctoral
Date: Tuesday, August 29
Time: 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Ball Hall, Room 302

Committee Members:
Frederic Chain, Biological Sciences, University of Massachusetts
Teresa Lee, Biological Sciences, University of Massachusetts
Axel Newton, Biosciences, University of Melbourne

Brief Abstract:
Limb malformations during development are often caused by mutations affecting expression levels of key regulatory genes. Similar phenotypes are also seen in vertebrate limb evolution. The proposed research will investigate a post-transcriptional mechanism, alternative splicing, in mediating gene dosage levels during limb development, and the resulting effect on morphological variation in both disease and evolutionary contexts.