- Ph D: Accounting, (2023), University of Massachusetts Amherst - Amherst
Dissertation/Thesis Title: TWO ESSAYS ON USING DATA MANIPULATION TO JUSTIFY BIASED REPORTS - MS: Management , (2017), University of California Irvine - Irvine
- MS: Applied Economics and Finance, (2015), University of California Santa Cruz - Santa Cruz
- BA: Business Management Economics, (2014), University of California Santa Cruz - Santa Cruz
Supporting Area: Accounting
Selected Awards and Honors
- Department Teaching Excellence Award (2024), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Arthur H. Carter Best Student Teacher Award (2022), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Arthur H. Carter Best Student Teacher Award (2021), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Excellence in Teaching Award (HCEMBA Class of 2017) (2017), Teaching - University of California Irvine
Selected Publications
- Kuang, H., Li, H., Lu, C., Xu, B. (2024). CFO Ethnicity and Financial Reporting Conservatism. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Accepted.
- Ho, J. (University of California Irvine), Lu, C., Wu, A. (National Chengchi University) (2023). The Effects of In-Group Identity and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Supervisors’ Discretionary Bonus Adjustments: Field Evidence from China. Journal of International Accounting Research/American Accounting Association, 22(2) 103-119.
- Ho, J. (University of California Irvine), Lu, C., Lucianetti, L. (University of Chieti and Pescara) (2021). Does Engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Influence Firm Performance? The Moderating Effects of Risk Preferences and Performance Measurement Systems. Management Decision/Emerald Publishing Limited, 59(13) 15-37.
Selected Presentations
- Manipulating Statistics to Justify Biased Reports - AAA Accounting Behavior and Organizations (ABO) Research Conference 2023, October 2023 - Pittsburgh
- I Thought We Were Friends! The Effects of Social Connections and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Subordinates’ Compensation - AAA Accounting Behavior and Organizations (ABO) Research Conference 2021, October 2021 - San Antonio
- I Thought We Were Friends! The Effects of Social Connections and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Subordinates’ Compensation - Global Management Accounting Research Symposium (GMARS) 2021, June 2021 - Virtual
- I Thought We Were Friends! the Effects of Social Connections and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Subordinates’ Compensation - The Eighth International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) 2021, June 2021 - Virtual
- I Thought We Were Friends! The Effects of Social Connections and Clarity of the Bonus Award Determination Criteria on Subordinates' Compensation - 11th The Japanese Accounting Review Conference 2020, December 2020 - Virtual
- Does CFO Ethnicity Influence Financial Reporting? A Tournament Theory Perspective - AAA Diversity Section Meeting 2020, October 2020 - Virtual
- The Effects of Social Connections and Supervisors’ Bonus Award Discretion on Subordinates’ Compensation - AAA Management Accounting Section (MAS) Mid-Year Meeting 2020, January 2020 - Houston
- Does CFO Ethnicity Influence Accounting Conservatism? - AAA Northeast Region Meeting, Doctoral Student/Faculty Interchange (DSFI) Program 2019, October 2019 - New York City
- CSR-Strategy Alignment and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Performance Measurement Systems - 4th Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) World Conference on Management Accounting Research 2019, May 2019 - Monterey Bay
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- 2024 Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Research Foundation Academic Grant (2025), Grant - Institute of Management Accountants
Lu, C. (Co-Principal)