When you dial in to your Exchange Unified Messaging inbox, you are presented with menu options that enable you to manage your calendar. The following commands are available for managing your calendar .

Voice Command
Touchtone Command
Reads the next calendar appointment.
“Next day”
Opens and reads the calendar appointments for the next day.
Repeats the menu options that are available. If you are using speech recognition mode, the system reads the calendar appointment again.
“More options”
Plays the more calendar options menu.
Reads the calendar appointment again.
“Previous meeting”
00 followed by 11
Opens the previous meeting that is scheduled.
“Call location”
Calls the telephone number that is listed for the meeting location.
“Call organizer”
00 followed by 22
Calls the telephone number that is listed for the organizer of the meeting.
“I'll be late”
Sends an ‘I'll be late’ message to all the meeting attendees.
“Accept” or “Tentative accept”
Accepts or tentatively accepts the meeting request.
“Meeting details”
Reads or plays back the details of the meeting that is currently being read.
“Attendance details”
00 followed by 55
Reads or plays the details of a meeting that is scheduled.
00 followed by 6
Forwards a meeting request for the meeting to another user.
“Decline” or “Cancel”
Declines or cancels the meeting request.
“Clear my calendar”
00 followed by 77
Clears your calendar for a specific time period for that day.
00 followed by 8
Replies to the meeting organizer.
“Reply all”
00 followed by 88
Replies to all the meeting attendees.
“Repeat menu”
5 followed by 0
Repeats the menu options that are available.
5 followed by 1
Rewinds the meeting details.
5 followed by 33
Skips to the end of the meeting details
5 followed by 4
Plays or reads the meeting details slower.