This workshop provides a detailed exploration using Canvas’ main content-building tool, the “Rich Content Editor'' known simply as the RCE. The RCE is what you will use to build most of the content in your courses. In addition, we’ll address how to create flow within a course by organizing and delivering content with the Modules tool. You will learn how to create and manage content modules, leverage progress capabilities, and guide students through your course. 

Session Agenda 

Content Pages and Rich Content Editor 

  • ○ Adding Content 
  • ○ Creating Accessible Content (S.I.L.T.) 

Course Navigation 

Benefit of Modules 

  • Organization 
  • Control Over Courseflow 
  • Types of Modules

Creating Modules 

  • Adding Content to Modules 
  • Organizing Modules 
  • Duplicating Modules 

Managing Modules 

  • Controlled Access 
    • Locking 
    • Pre-requisites 
    • Requirements 
  • Content Delivery 
    • Modules Button/Link 

Q&A and Wrap Up 

  • Questions? 
  • Canvas Guides and Community