In this session, participants will learn how to organize their Assignment index for grade weighting, and how to ensure grades are being calculated correctly. Users will also explore the Canvas Gradebook’s many features and settings. 

Session Agenda 

Assignments Index Overview 

  • Use cases 
  • Assignment Index Page 
  • Managing Assignment Groups 
  • Weighted Grades 
  • Adding Rules 
  • Extra Credit 
  • Adding No-Submission/On-Paper Assignment Items 


  • Global Gradebook Options 
    • Menu Options 
    • Viewing Options/Filters 
  • Grading 
    • Entering Grades 
    • Leaving Comments 
    • Grade Detail Tray 
    • Message Students Who 
  • Student View of Grades 
    • Viewing Feedback 
    • “What-If” Grades 


  • Questions?