The College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (FAHSS) faculty and students participate in the administration, operations, research and programs at the research and outreach centers listed below. FAHSS centers also provide opportunities for student internships and practicum placements.

The UMass Lowell Center for Asian American Studies, established in 2013, promotes scholarship and education around the cultures, histories and experiences of Asian Americans. These goals are achieved through our multidisciplinary collaborative research, expertise in Southeast Asian American studies, and collaborative ties with the Lowell community as well as national and international partners.
The Center for Autism Research and Education (CARE) partners with neurodiverse individuals, as well as family members and service providers, to identify and meet the needs of the autism community. This is accomplished through targeted programming, educational opportunities, and research projects which are designed, implemented and evaluated in partnership with community members.
The Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) promotes healthy, productive, and sustainable communities through research and scholarship, technical assistance, program development, partnership formation, and funding from public and private sources.To accomplish this mission the center identifies needs and mobilizes resources on campus and in the broader community; establishes links among and between faculty, staff, and students and community, government and business stakeholders to carry out collaborative research projects and enhances student learning and networking through community engaged research and education.
The Center for Irish Partnership fosters collaborations and partnerships with educational institutions in Ireland and Northern Ireland across an interdisciplinary spectrum including the social sciences, the natural sciences and engineering, the humanities and health and education fields. These international partnerships embrace faculty exchange and joint research ventures and to work with Irish partners to create a dynamic model for Cross-Atlantic collaboration that will promote and advance University of Massachusetts Lowell's goals to enhance the student experience by providing a global perspective to teaching and research, while contributing to Irish interests through exchange and service.
The Center for Program Evaluation conducts research on program evaluation methods as well as to offer evaluation planning, consulting, training and services for the university, regional and global community.
The Center for Public Opinion seeks to further UMass Lowell's academic and strategic objectives through cross-disciplinary research related to political and public opinion trends and behaviors, as well as through distinctive, revealing public opinion polling that is conducted with integrity and methodological rigor. Results of such research will be incorporated into curricula to enhance student learning.

The Center for Terrorism and Security Studies (CTSS) brings together faculty from several Colleges throughout UMass Lowell (and from other institutions and organizations in the Commonwealth) to work on a variety of collaborative research projects, addressing topics such as cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection, transportation security, and the threat of terrorists acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction.
The Center for Women and Work , since its inception in 1998, has demonstrated its strong commitment to addressing the gendered conditions of work in several key ways: by designing and implementing programs and projects that foster new ways of thinking about the gendered conditions of work; by encouraging and supporting interdisciplinary linkages across and throughout all of our networks; and by bringing to the forefront the reciprocal relationship between a woman's work and the well-being of communities.
Tsongas Industrial History Center is a hands-on center where students and teachers learn about the American Industrial Revolution through activities and tours of the sites where history—and science—happened. A partnership between the School of Education and the Lowell National Historical Park, the center also receives funding from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Kerouac Center for Public Humanities was founded in 2005 with generous support provided by Kerouac Estate Executor John Sampas. Its purpose is to strengthen the interdisciplinary study of American culture and public humanities by facilitating ties between the fields of English, History, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Art, Music, Sociology, and Economics at UMass Lowell, in the New England region and beyond.
Saab Center for Portuguese Studies, a cultural and academic center, is a resource for the UMass Lowell and community to explore and celebrate the history and contributions of Portuguese people in the United States and abroad. The center sponsors local events, offer study-abroad programs and coordinates faculty collaborations with Portuguese universities in Lisbon and Braga. Portuguese language and culture courses are offered also through UMass Lowell’s World Languages and Cultures Department.