What should I major in?

Our students build games. Check out a sampling of their work.

The video game industry employs many kinds of specialists, from artists to composers to computer programmers. The most attractive workers will have a strong technical foundation, creative skills and the ability to work as part of a team.

Why study video game design & development at UML?

Group of students seated at a round table discussing video game design

Join a community of gamers, makers and developers

UMass Lowell has a student club for developers, GameDev, and a gaming club for Smash Bros.

Tristan Fruzzetti plays guitar along with a video game

Advanced Facilities

Put your skills into practice in our: 

  • Music technology laboratory (containing state-of-the-art Apple workstations with MIDI keyboards)
  • Sound recording technology studios (including world-class tracking and mixing spaces)
  • Specialized art studios
  • TV studio
Professor and student work at computer in a UMass Lowell interactive animation studio

Experiential Learning

Build career-ready skills through experiences outside the classroom, including:

  • Research in a faculty laboratory 
  • Co-ops and internships 
  • Paid work on campus 
  • Service learning 
  • Study abroad
Two students design video games using computers and game pieces

Bachelor’s-to-Master's Program

Get on the fast track to an advanced degree with our combined bachelor's-to-master's program.

  • Available to juniors and seniors with a grade point average of 3.000 or better
  • Offers a continuous, coordinated sequence of courses
  • Reduced credit-hour requirements can save you time and money

What can you do in the video game & design industry?

UMass Lowell graduates have the skills and flexibility necessary to thrive in diverse sectors of the video game industry.

A student designs a video game using a computer, dice and cards

Job roles can include:

  • Game design and creation
  • Programming
  • Hardware development
  • Animation
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Digital composition and music