A minor in Film Studies is a study of art forms and an interdisciplinary exploration of cultural representations. It is interdepartmental by nature and draws from art history, languages, English and foreign literature, philosophy, communications, political science, and sociology.
A Film Studies minor addresses relationships among representations and adaptations of social structure, the individual as a by-product of culture, and the production and reproduction of power. It aims to integrate aesthetics, semiotics, psychoanalysis, theories of political economy, feminism, and socio-cultural theories. The principal pedagogical goals of the minor are cultural awareness and literacy in language, image, sound, and film technology.
One of the formative goals of Film Studies is the analysis of cinema's importance, originality, and representation. Inquiry into the aesthetics of the moving image as well as its technological reproduction is significant in present intellectual inquiry.
Film Studies addresses issues about the modes of writing and creation of the history of visual representation in the 21st century. At the same time, it is concerned with history and analysis of mediating, fictionalizing, and representing culture and life.
Discussion on the reformulation of film theory along epistemology, historiography, poststructualist, and feminist theories is central to the philosophical study of film, with particular references to representation, adaptation, narrative, spectatorship, sexual differences, ideology, and the effects of cinema as visual form.
Please refer to the undergraduate course catalog for minor requirements and course selection.