Laboratory and Research Facilities Inventory

Perry Hall laboratory recently renovated

Laboratories and research facilities involve many components and are often demanding in both space requirement and supporting services. As existing research intensifies, new faculty is hired, and new research grants are awarded, lab planning is essential in identifying the best fit between each research activity and facilities, or capital resources for new facilities. Renewal of aged research facilities and promotion of research collaboration are critical strategies in meeting the research facilities needs on campus.

As part of the space inventory maintained by the Facilities Information Systems team, Planning is in the process of identifying and tracking each research space and key research equipment across the campus. The inventory is used for both planning and operational purposes.

Physical Plant Facilities Planning

Laboratory and research equipment requires the support of a robust physical plant facilities, which can include:

  • HVAC – e.g. air conditioning and ventilation, over- or under-pressurization, exhaust for fume hoods, air lock for special laboratory
  • Electrical – e.g. typical and special power supply, timed or controlled switches, back-up power
  • Plumbing – e.g. tap/deionized/chilled water, acid waste neutralization, gas and compressed air
  • Mechanical – e.g. vibration isolation, hoists and lifts, special space requirements such as height and weight
  • IT – e.g. university WIFI, specialized network, server space/equipment requirement

Given the age of most research buildings on campus and intense research activities that are already happening within, verifying adequate and appropriate physical plant facilities is often a prerequisite for locating new research facilities.

Research Collaboration and Shared Resources

While each research project is unique, laboratories with similar focuses or processes may collaborate and share resources from equipment to graduate students workspace, saving money and valuable research space while encourage further cooperation. With a good understanding of existing research facilities and new research needs, Planning identifies and promotes such collaboration opportunities through collaborative laboratory layouts, planned laboratory adjacencies, and the fee-based services offered by the Core Research Facilities.

Reducing Environmental Hazard in Research Space

Planning works closely with Environmental Health & Safety Department to identify and mitigate environmental hazards and unsafe conditions in laboratories, from the design of new research facilities to improvement of existing laboratories.

If you have any planning questions or comments, please contact us via email: