At UMass Lowell choose between:

University Catering

Catered meals are provided by a licensed and insured service provider that prepares, delivers, transports, sets out and/or services the food for meetings, conferences or special events. Whether it’s a quick meeting or a multiday event, you can start your day with options like the Rowdy's Ultimate Breakfast or simply assorted bagels. At lunch time enjoy a platter of deli sandwiches or grab one of our Premium Boxed Lunches if your group is on-the-go. Your afternoon reception will be a success with hors d’oeuvres like coconut chicken or a cheese tray which will hold you over nicely until you head to dinner where you can enjoy one of our signature buffets like the “Taco Del Seoul” or “Tropical Tradewinds” or work with our talented catering staff to customize a meal of your choosing. The catering possibilities are endless.

Visit the University Catering website for more information.

Campus Dining

Whether your event is on South Campus or East Campus you will be met with variety. Our family of more than 500 chefs, servers, managers, student employees, and others serve wood-fired pizza and grilled cheese to homemade soups and vegan dishes. You can stop by the deli to have a sandwich made to your liking and then stop by for a cheeseburger and fries at the grill. We work with clients with a variety of dietary needs and restrictions so we’re also happy to work with you on more customized dishes. The menu changes daily so you will never get tired of eating the same old things. Be prepared to stay a while as you can eat as much as you’d like.

Visit the Campus Dining website for more information.