The University of Massachusetts Lowell is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodations in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for all individuals.
The office of Disability Services promotes diversity and inclusion by removing barriers, promoting diversity, employing universal design and striving for inclusion.
UMass Lowell offers many of types of assistive technologies including tools for voice dictation, reading software and sound and vision amplifiers.
These maps show accessible routes between and entries into buildings on UMass Lowell's three campus.
Equal Opportunity guidelines pertain to all UMass Lowell employees, visitors and vendors related to protected categories, self identity and accommodations.
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a UMass Lowell-sponsored program to provide employees with confidential assistance with stress, substance abuse, family concerns and other personal problems.
The university encourages employees to create Employee Resource Groups to create a supportive and engaging community where everyone feels accepted, appreciated, respected and valued for their contributions.