Cyborg , DifferenceMakers

Cyborg attempts to revolutionize the music industry, which has been stalled by the lack of new ways to produce music.
Cyborg won Honorable Mention, a $2,000 prize, at the 2017 5th Annual DifferenceMaker $50K Idea Challenge. Team members include, Jishnu Menon Asokakumar (Graduate, Computer Engineering), Ram Das (Graduate, MSITE), Adam Ferguson (Graduate, Sound Recording Technology), ChandraSekhar Kolli (Junior, Mechanical Engineering), and Dhiren Rathod (Junior, Mechanical Engineering). Cyborg also won 1st place at the 2016 Francis College of Engineering Competition, a $1,000 prize. Cyborg was also awarded $250 as a semi-finalist team at the 2016 Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Creative Venture Competition.
Cyborg is a hybrid, cost effective, musical instrument, which has the ability to transform any object into a touch sensitive musical instrument. Users are able to select sounds from a sound bank and when Cyborg is attached to any object, the object, when touched will produce the chosen sound. Cyborg attempts to revolutionize the music industry, which has been stalled by the lack of new ways to produce music. Cyborg does not want to replace any musical instruments, only improve the musical experience for everyone who plays them.