Incomplete Courses
eThe symbol INC (incomplete) is a temporary notation that is assigned for incomplete work in courses when a student’s performance justifies the expectation that they will obtain a passing grade upon completion, but the student has not completed a course requirement, such as a final exam or final project, for emergency reasons.
Eligibility for a grade of INC
The grade of INC may be considered only for students who have consistently attended class and completed assignments throughout the course. Further, students receiving an INC must have been present in class regularly through the first 60% of the course.
A student who has evidenced an unsatisfactory course record, who has not attended class regularly through the first 60% of the course, who has failed to complete a major portion of an instructor’s course requirements, or who fails to provide an instructor with a satisfactory reason for absence from a final examination or final course evaluation within the required period may not be assigned the letter symbol INC.
A student has a 48-hour period from the time of the missed final exam or project due date to provide an acceptable explanation for their non-completion. If the student is not eligible for an INC either on the basis of the terms above or because they did not provide a satisfactory explanation in the required time frame, the faculty should calculate the grade according to the syllabus and submit the roster by the Registrar’s due date.
Responsibility for making arrangements with an instructor to complete all outstanding course work rests entirely with the student, who must complete all course work by the final week of classes in the following semester.
At the end of the official make-up period (or, in the event of a substantiated student emergency, at the end of an extended make-up period), the Office of the Registrar will convert the temporary notation of INC to the appropriate permanent symbol. This permanent notation will be one of the following:
- a letter grade which is filed by an instructor at the end of the make-up period to designate the final course standing of a student who has made up incomplete course requirements,
- course work not completed by the final week of classes for the succeeding semester will convert to a grade of F, or
- the letter symbol of X, which the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled as a degree candidate may authorize to designate that a student has withdrawn from the University after the end of the semester for documented personal emergency (cf. University Withdrawal After the End of the Semester),
- medical emergencies will need to complete the Request for Medical Withdrawal form.
Limited extensions of the make-up period may be granted to a student for serious medical reasons and for documented personal emergencies. Requests for such extensions are approved by the dean of the college in which student is enrolled as a degree candidate, and must be filed no later than one calendar week preceding the established deadline for instructors to submit final grades for incomplete courses.