Department of Biomedical Engineering
Mission statement
The mission of the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is to prepare students for rewarding careers in the medical device and biopharmaceutical industries, or for further graduate, professional, or medical degree programs at UML or other nationally recognized institutions. Our curriculum provides a flexible, multidisciplinary framework with both breadth and fundamental depth, relevant to the needs of society and industry. The program provides students with the skills they need to succeed through applied lectures; extensive hands-on experiences with a state-of-the-art wet lab, clean room and imaging facilities; and excellent opportunities for professional co-op positions, internships, service clubs and research experiences.
Overview / Description
The department offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.E.) in Biomedical Engineering. Students select from three areas of study: medical device development, cell & tissue engineering, and biomechanics. Each one provides advanced training in the interdisciplinary application of engineering design process steps, methods, paradigms, technologies and devices to solve challenges in medicine and the life sciences. Students will integrate engineering design with the scientific method, develop critical and deep thinking and acquire advanced writing and communication skills that will form the foundation of their careers and prepare them to be lifelong learners.
Complementing the undergraduate program are a graduate certificate, Master of Science (M.S.) in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (UMass intercampus program), bachelor's to master's (B.S.E. to M.S. in 5 years), and doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees. The graduate certificate in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology spans the Francis College of Engineering, Kennedy College of Sciences and College of Health Sciences. Graduate students work with faculty to conduct cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research to solve some of the challenging biomedical and societal problems facing us today. Undergraduate students also have the opportunity to participate in research conducted within the graduate programs.
Students in both undergraduate and graduate degree programs benefit from the research, co-op, and career opportunities associated with over 600 biotechnology, medical device, pharmaceutical, and related companies in eastern Massachusetts.
BME Core Curriculum Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement
Students must have a Grade Point Average of 2.0 in the BME Core Curriculum courses to graduate. Students who fall below this requirement at any point during their process must meet with their advisor to discuss appropriate corrective action(s) to support student improvement and ultimate success.
BME Core Curriculum Courses include:
- BMEN.1020 BME Seminar
- BMEN.1070 Introduction to BME
- BMEN.1200 BME Applications Programming
- BMEN.2100 Thermodynamics
- BMEN.2200 Bioinstrumentation
- BMEN.2205L Bioinstrumentation Lab
- BMEN.3100 Transport Phenomena for Biomedical Engineering
- BMEN.3200 Quantitative Physiology
- BMEN.3205L Quantitative Physiology Lab
- BMEN.4020 Biomaterials
- BMEN.4310 Biomechanics
- BMEN.4910 Biomedical Capstone I
- BMEN.4920 Biomedical Capstone II
For additional information, visit the Department of Biomedical Engineering website.