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Learning Outcomes for the Master of Science in Environmental Studies, Environmental Geoscience Option

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will have acquired and demonstrated the ability to:
  • Apply the standard concepts and tools of environmental science to both theoretical and real-world problems in the discipline. This includes core expertise in geochemical, geological, hydrological, and biological processes, as well as familiarity with climate science and policy.
  • Put disciplinary problems in the larger perspective of sustainability and address real-world problems within that context.
  • Collaborate effectively and respectfully as part of a team.
  • Communicate their work and its broader implications clearly to colleagues, decision makers, and the public.
  • Recognize and apply the principles of ethical conduct and professional norms to their work, within the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 
Students taking the thesis option will have also demonstrated the ability to conduct original research.