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Master of Business Administration Competency Goals

Competency Goals

1. Analytics Skills:

Program graduates will be able to think analytically and critically to solve organizational problems and meet organizational goals. 

Learning Objective: Students will integrate business analysis, synthesize data, and apply diagnostic problem-solving for managerial decision-making.

2. Global Awareness:

Program graduates will be able to leverage their knowledge of the interconnectedness and changing nature of global markets and business environments for decision-making. 

Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate effective team membership and leadership skills in accomplishing team goals.

3. Ethical Reasoning:

Program graduates will develop ethical reasoning and social responsibility knowledge for making business decisions. 

Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate ethical reasoning and social responsibility knowledge in assessing business practices and decisions.

4. Communication & Research Skills:

Program graduates will exhibit logical and persuasive communication skills. 

Learning Objective 1 (Written): Students will demonstrate executive-level proficiency in writing and producing business documents for professional audience. 

Learning Objective 2 (Oral): Students will prepare and deliver business reports or actionable solutions for professional audiences.

5. Team Management:

Program graduates will have team management and leadership skills to coordinate and organize activities for managing change. 

Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate effective team management and leadership skills in accomplishing team goals and managing change.

6. Strategic Management:

Program graduates will develop strategic planning and management skills for gaining organizational competitive advantage. 

Learning Objective: Students will integrate business knowledge and apply management frameworks for strategic planning.