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Catalog : PLAS.3770 Plastics Process Engineering I (Formerly 26.377/577)

Id: 001256 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The first course in a two semester sequence to study the fundamental principles of polymer processing, i.e., the conversion of the polymeric materials into useful articles. The course will first study the properties of polymers (bulk and rheological and thermal properties) and why they are important to understanding polymer processing. This course will emphasize the fundamental principles of the extrusion process and examine the correlation between elements of the extruder, polymer properties, and processing variables and why they all must be considered when studying and understandng a plastics processing technique.


Pre-Reqs: PLAS 2010 Polymer Materials I or PLAS 2020 Polymer Materials II. Pre-Req or Co-Req: PLAS 3140 Fluid Flow. PLAS.3140 is a Co-Req of PLAS.3770.

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