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Catalog : MSIT.5660 Advanced Cloud Computing (Formerly 94.566)

Id: 038140 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is a continuation of the 94.565 Cloud Computing course and will cover in further detail such topics as Cloud Based Storage, Virtualization, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), High Availability, Scaling, and Mobile Devices. The course will also study the role of Open Source cloud software such as Hadoop, OpenStack and others. Similar to the first course where hands-on projects included the use of Cloud Services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Apps and App Engine, and Windows Azure, this course will continue with those services and add others such as Rackspace and VMware. Current articles and publications in this fast moving field of Cloud Computing will also be followed.


MSIT.5650 Cloud Computing, or Permission of the Instructor.

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