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Catalog : MSIT.5410 Information Security, Privacy and Regulatory Compliance (Formerly 94.541)

Id: 037842 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course focuses on enterprise-level information security, privacy and regulatory compliance through study of the rapidly emerging Information Governance (IG) discipline which is applied to electronic documents, records management and output of information organization-wide. The key principles of IG will be examined including the security, privacy and compliance of corporate e-documents/records as well as email, social media, instant messaging, cloud computing, and mobile computing. The student will learn how IG leverages existing information technologies to enforce policies, procedures and controls to manage information risk in compliance with legal and litigation demands, external regulatory requirements, and internal governance objectives.


Students must already have completed a bachelor's degree in a related discipline to enroll in this course and in a graduate career.

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