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INFO.3010 JAVA Programming (Formerly 90.301)

Id: 007984 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The JAVA (TM) programming language is now being used to write distributed Internet applications. Unlike traditional languages, the JAVA (TM) language was designed to be used on a network. Thus, it contains features needed to build efficient distributed applications that employ Internet resources. Those who intend to design World Wide Web information systems that fully utilize the Internet must have a working knowledge of this vital technology. This course allows students to explore features that set JAVA (TM) apart from traditional programming languages; obtain an overview of object-oriented design as it applies to JAVA (TM); learn about the fundamental constructs of the JAVA (TM) programming language; and write, compile, and include simple JAVA (TM) Applets within the content of HTML documents.

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