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Catalog : GLST.7017 International Political Economy, Trade and Development

Id: 040896 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Since the end of the cold war it seems that analysts of international relations have changed their focus from the politics of preserving the peace to the politics of the international economy. Reading any international newspaper one is now less likely to see a story on the arms reduction talks between states on the front page than seeing an article on the trade relations between states. The economic crisis of 2007-8, the European debt crisis and the rise of China has brought more attention to the relationship between global politics and economics. This course is intended to give an introduction to international political economy (IPE) and global economic relations. Students will study the theoretical perspectives that are used by analysts, the history of IPE, and some important issues currently confronting the economic and trade relations of states in an era of globalization.

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