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Catalog : EECE.5015 Solar PV Performance Analysis and Characterization

Id: 042214 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


In this course, students will learn about characterization methods during: 1. Silicon ingot production/Wafering (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy); 2. Solar cell manufacturing(series resistance, double diode model, ideality factor, dark-IV, light-IV, efficiency, suns Voc, contact resistance, reflectance, spectral response/quantum efficiency, light beam induced current, carrier lifetime measurement, thermography); 3. PV module manufacturing (L&P) (electroluminescence, dark-IV, light-IV, efficiency, certification-, reliability-, bankability-testing, PAN file generation, Forensic Evaluation); 4. PV System Deployment (L) (photoluminescence, infrared imaging, pyranometers, simulation tools for system forecast, energy production and cost of energy of grid-connected PV, PV Watts®, SAM (System Advisor Model), PV system performance ratio & performance index).

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