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Catalog : EDUC.6320 The Inclusive School (Formerly 01.632)

Id: 037813 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


School leaders must create environments that are welcoming to all students and their families and that capitalize on the strengths students bring to the learning environment as well as address the needs of students. As the population of students in our schools has continued to become more diverse, building an inclusive environment in which all are valued and in which all student can succeed has become increasingly complex. Participants in this course will explore their values and beliefs as well as the dominant culture and prevailing belief systems present in the majority of today's public schools. Participants will learn about ways in which many students, their families, and their communities may differ from this dominant culture, and the possible effects of this mismatch. Through readings and interactive discussions, participants will examine ways to build a school culture that is inclusive for all students and their families. Participants will develop detailed plans of action to actively and meaningfully involve parents and community members in all aspects of the school.


Pre-Requisite: M.ED and Ed.S matriculated only, or Permission of the Instructor.

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