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Catalog : CRIM.7920 Survival Analysis and Longitudinal Data (Formerly CRIM 792)

Id: 037122 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Criminological research often involves the study of change over time in both individuals and groups. Analyzing such over time poses a number of methodological and statistical challenges, however, and these must be addressed to derive valid inferences from data analysis. This course will examine several techniques that are appropriate for such analyses. These include the family of univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques collectively known as "survival" or "event history analysis" that are appropriate for studying processes such as recidivism and length of time individuals spend in various programs. The course will also describe zero-inflated Poisson trajectory and latent growth curve models, as well as multilevel models for change. Emphasis will be on application as opposed to theory.


Crim.6900 Advanced Regression Analysis and PhD students only.

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