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Catalog : CRIM.7900 Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables (Formerly CRIM 790)

Id: 037120 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The estimation of empirical models is essential to public policy analysis and social science research. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis is the most frequently used empirical model, and is appropriate for analyzing continuous dependent variables that meet certain distributional assumptions. This course examines several types of advanced regression models for dependent variables that violate one or more of the assumptions of the OLS regression model. For example, some dependent variables may be categorical, such as pregnant or not, employed or not, etc. Other dependent variables may be truncated or censored, such as contributions to an individual retirement account that are limited by law to certain dollar amounts. Still others may be counts of things, like the number of children born to a given woman or the number of traffic accidents on a given day. The principal models examined in the course are binary logit and probit, multinomial logit, ordinal logit and probit, tobit, and the family of Poisson regression models. The Heckman correction for selection and Event History Analysis are also addressed. All these models are estimated using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The course focuses on the application and interpretation of the models, rather than statistical theory.


Crim.690 Advanced Regression Analysis and PhD students only.

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