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Catalog : CRIM.6920 Qualitative Research Methods (Formerly CRIM 692)

Id: 037109 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course designed to increase students' knowledge and understanding of the design and process of qualitative research in criminology. The material covered in this course includes the nature and uses of qualitative research; the design of qualitative research; grounded theory and the use of qualitative research to advance new theories and critically evaluate tenants or assumptions of widely held explanations of criminal behavior and justice system functioning; and the ethics of qualitative research. Qualitative research methodologies including ethnography, case studies, participant observation, interviewing, content analysis, and life history narrative / life course analysis will be studied. Students will develop and initiate their own qualitative research and learn first-hand about the conduct of such research, the sequencing of data collection, data analysis, and more data collection. Students will learn the uses of computer assisted software programs designed to assist qualitative data analysis.


CRIM 591 Research Design.

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