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CRIM.6540 Elite Deviance and White Collar Crime (Formerly 44.523)

Id: 005433 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course introduces the concept of white collar crime as an area of scientific inquiry and theory formation. It critically examines the latest scholarship on the subject by looking at white collar crime from a multiplicity of perspectives and reference points, ranging from a focus on the offense, offender, legal structure, organizational structure, individual and organizational behavior, to victimization and guardianship, with special attention on the interaction between these components. The course also pays special attention to definitional issues, typologies of white collar crime, and assesses the nature, extent and consequences of white collar crime nationally and internationally. To enhance the understanding of white collar crime in today's IT development and society, the course will pay a special attention to roles of information and technology and E-commerce within white collar crime. Finally, the course examines current criminal justice system efforts at controlling white collar crime.

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