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Catalog : CHEN.5420 Metabolic Engineering

Id: 042582 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Metabolic engineering combines aspects of chemical engineering, biochemistry, and synthetic biology, which aims towards modification of cellular processes and metabolic networks to achieve biomanufacturing of fuels, chemicals, food ingredients, and pharmaceuticals. This course aims to provide fundamental and advanced knowledge in engineering microbial strains for bioproduction through synthetic biology and metabolic engineering. The lecture sessions will cover the fundamental knowledge of cellular metabolic pathways, basic principles of metabolic engineering, metabolic flux analysis, regulation of metabolic pathways, applications of metabolic engineering, and biosynthesis of primary and secondary metabolites. Basic and advanced genetic techniques for strain engineering, including CRISPR gene editing technology, will also be presented.


Co-req: BIOL.2010 General Microbiology, or BIOL.2100 Biology for Engineers, and CHEM.4500 Introduction to Biochemistry, or Permission of Instructor.

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