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ARTS.3120 Design Studio II: Research & Systems (Formerly 70.410, and ARTS.4100)

Id: 031971 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Students will drive their own content creation to solve visual, conceptual and technical problems through independently and collaboratively-generated analysis, evaluation, and refinement. Through research, they will create an extensive multi-part project that addresses communication design (audience, messaging, interaction/experience) and representation of an idea across multiple elements in a system. The visual strategy should explore a brand language and design system, and be applied to print and screen-based deliverables including, but not limited to: brand identity guidelines, packaging, website/app UI, print and social media advertising, and promotional motion graphics. They will write about and document their process throughout, and present final work in a professional presentation.


ARTS.2100 Design Studio I: Fundamentals, or Permission of Instructor.

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