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Catalog : ARCH.3550 The City and the Environment (Formerly ARHI.3550)

Id: 040400 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This class will assess the ideas, strategies, and ethical debates at the intersection of city development and the environment through three major questions. First, what are the most significant environmental issues that confront cities today and what are the ethical considerations for potential solutions? Second, how are the available options for cities a consequence of their original designs and past reinvention projects? Three, how do political, civic, non-profit, and institutional stakeholders come together to accept or reject sustainable development best practices and innovative solutions: The course is designed for students to hear from real-world experts to apply theoretical concepts, provide a concrete basis for analyzing public discussions of city development, and expose students to the diverse entities and organizations that work together at the intersection of cities and the natural world. Students will gain an understanding about how to critically assess the public discussions about city development, natural resource protection, and new frontiers of sustainable development.


ENGL.1010 College Writing I, or ENGL.1020 College Writing II.

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