Id: 042640
Credits Min: 3
Credits Max: 3
This course focuses upon landscape design solutions for a climate-resilient future through the study of critical topics at the intersection of landscape architecture and climate justice. As the rate of extreme weather, natural disasters, rising sea levels and wildfires increases, the impact on public health and climate justice also increases. Landscape architects and urban designers have developed a number of strategies that offer hope for a greener future. Students will explore the possibilities of green infrastructure, floating wetlands, urban forestry, urban rewilding, brown field mediation, and other topics as they develop design skills through collaboration with real-world, local projects. Students will conduct research, collect data, visualize findings, propose conceptual designs, and develop recommendations to inform climate resilient adaptations to current and future open space projects in the City of Lowell.
Pre-Req: ENGL.1020 College Writing II.
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