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Catalog : PSYC.4880 Research Service Learning (Formerly 47.488)

Id: 036769 Credits Min: 1 Credits Max: 3


Students will take an applied role in faculty supervised research where they will provide a meaningful contribution to a research program or particular study. Students will meet regularly with a designated faculty member to discuss the research process and rationale for relevant components of the project including literature review, research design, procedures, data collection, entry, and analysis. In some instances the commitment to research may extend over the course of a full year. Graded as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory, 1, 2, or 3 credits. This course may be repeated but no more than 12 credits total from any combination of psyc.4860, PSYC.4880, and PSYC.4910 may be counted toward the degree. "Variable credit course, student chooses appropriate amount of credits when registering."

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