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Catalog : PSYC.4800 Concentration Practicum I (Formerly 47.480)

Id: 005752 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This is the first course in a two-course sequence that accompanies that required field placement for undergraduate psychology majors who are registered in a concentration. Practicum I must be taken before Practicum II. The accompanying field placement may either be a research or a service practicum. This is a general course, which will fulfill the requirement for students in any concentration. The course will focus integrating student placement experiences with relevant empirical literature. Topics will draw on the research literature to frame the placement experience and will include working in diverse environments, becoming aware of organizational structures, responding to work related stress, and understanding how the science of psychology applies to the placement. Students will also integrate their placement experiences with the empirical literature from their respective concentrations by identifying and reviewing empirical work that addresses some aspect of their practicum.


PSYC.2010 Professional Development in P, and a 'C' or higher in PSYC.2690 Research I: Methods, or Spring 2020 grade of 'P', and Junior Standing.

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