Id: 040490
Credits Min: 3
Credits Max: 3
An advanced seminar to consider special topics in developmental psychology with focus on critique of the theoretical and empirical literature, identification of future research pathways, and the potential for application with consideration of ethics and social responsibility. This seminar takes an intensive look at the psychology of education and of learning. We will read about theories of education, research on learning, and study some historical and current trends in both formal education (school) and informal learning environments (hobby subcultures, museums,camps, etc). Readings will include both historical examples (John Dewey, Jane Addams, Paolo Friere) and schooling systems, and policymakers in higher education. In addition to reading, class discussion, and engaging hands on exercises, students will plan and deliver a term-length creative project on the psychology of learning and education. This is a writing-intensive course.
PSYC.1010 Intro to Psychological Science, and PSYC.2600 Child & Adolescent Development, and PSYC.2690 Research I; Methods.
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