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Catalog : PCST.5270 Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Conflict, Policy, and Practice (Formerly PCS 527)

Id: 037781 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Housing is fundamental to the quality of life in communities, and housing conflict, policy and practice shape the availability of this fundamental good. This course will examine the economic, environmental, social, and cultural factors that shape housing and its sustainability. The contentious nature of housing and land use policy in the United States will be summarized, with students learning how housing policy impacts communities, states, and regions. The course will then give students a detailed understanding of the conflictive process through which housing is developed and the role the market, government, funders, workers, and housing consumers play in influencing the creation and development of housing. The course will highlight ways in which current housing development policy and practices are not sustainable, and will examine more recent efforts to establish standards and practices that enhance consensus and sustainability. Students will learn how to manage conflict and take a housing project through the various stages, such as project conceptualization, market analysis, design, site acquisition, financing, construction, and occupancy. While the course focuses on the U.S. context, students will learn of international efforts to achieve greater sustainability in housing. The course will provide students with both practical and theoretical knowledge of housing and land use conflict, policy and development practices. Case studies of actual projects will be presented.

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