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Catalog : PCST.5010 Strategies of Conflict Transformation (Formerly PCS 501)

Id: 036946 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course will examine the underlying connections between causes of conflict on the local, national and global levels and the processes that advance peaceful resolution. The course is designed to provide a cross-disciplinary approach to the relevant social, political, economic and cultural conditions leading to conflict and the variety of approaches to solve such conflict through both violent and nonviolent means. The beginning of the course will focus on issues of power and inequality related to class, race (and related divisions of ethnicity, religion, caste, nationality, immigration status) and gender. We will look at structures and system of power ranging from the family, to the community, the workplace and the national and international dimensions. The goal is to link theoretical analysis with the study of practical problem solving.


Pre-Req: Peace and Conflict Studies M.A, or Graduate Certificate Students.

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