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Catalog : MSIT.5430 Intrusion Detection Systems (Formerly 94.543)

Id: 037841 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Intrusion Detection Systems is a survey of the hardware and software techniques that are applied to the detection, identification, classification and remediation of compromised information systems. From this introduction to intrusion detection systems, students will develop a solid foundation for understanding IDS and how they function. This course will give students a background in the technology of detection network attacks. It will introduce all the concepts and procedures used for IDS (intrusion Detection Systems) and IPS (intrusion Prevention Systems). Students will have hands-on experience with implementing and configuring software and hardware based IDS in a network infrastructure. This course is designed with a network administrator in mind.


Students must already have completed a bachelor's degree in a related discipline to enroll in this course and in a graduate career.

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