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Catalog : MECH.4420 Thermo-fluid Systems Design (Formerly 22.442)

Id: 038231 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Application of the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer to the design of thermofluid systems. Techniques will be presented for modeling, simulation, and economic analysis. The evolution of thermofluid systems from the Industrial Revolution to state-of-the-art systems as well as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability of systems will be studied. Use and regulation of thermo-fluid systems on a global and regional scale will be investigated. Systems to be studied and designed include combined power cycles, trigeneration (combined power, heating, and cooling) as well as energy storage systems.


MECH.4410 Thermo-Fluid Application with a C- or better, or Spring 2020 grade of "P", and ME Majors only.

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