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Catalog : MATH.5550 Applied Math for Life Scientists (Formerly 92.555)

Id: 008436 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The objective of this course is to give students an opportunity to learn how to use a computer algebra system in the context of reviewing some of the key mathematical topics that are used in the life sciences. The first half of the course includes a review of mathematical topics ranging from trigonometry through differential equations. A parallel introduction to a computer algebra system is also included in the first half. In the second half, students will study a mathematical topic such as pattern recognition or models for growth and complete a project using the computer algebra system. (UMassOnline).


MATH.2310 Calulus III, and MATH.2340 Differential Equations, or MATH.2360 Differential Equations, and MATH.2210 Linear Algebra I.

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